You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed with new ads to view from affiliates of WarnerMedia (a subsidiary of AT&T). You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and, well, pretty much the same thing happens.
Much has changed since The Matrix movies premiered: Now, instead of Philip Rosedale leaving the theater in 1999 and telling his colleagues at RealNetworks, "But that's what I wanted to make!", making alternate realities has become a booming business. And taking the Red Pill is no longer just associated with wanting to fight the machines, but also, wanting to fight women (?).
And finally, in a keen irony (as @Lenophie notes), the Internet now comes with automatic ad cookie notification pop-ups -- effectively requiring us all to first click the Blue Pill of capitalism.
All that said, this is still a pretty fun teaser site for the upcoming Matrix movie. I'm curious how they accomplished the augmented reality aspect of the experience:
Because each teaser video includes the narrator telling you the exact time, by the minute, that you're watching it. So did the actors have to read all 1,440 time possibilities in a 24 hour period? Or were these time readings created by... an artificial intelligence?
AI for basically a speaking clock... now thats a solution looking for a problem :) All you need is 59 clips for numbers + 9 in the "oh one" series, a couple for specials (noon etc and of course 'It is now' in deeeep voice) and AM/PM (for olde skool times), a bit of logic and voila - speaking clock. I know as I made one once, total cost for upload - about 750 Lindens with extras and errata as I recall.
Posted by: sirhc desantis | Thursday, September 09, 2021 at 05:00 AM