Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
The Scarred Surgeon [fenrir.grayman] is a Second Life equestrian with a stream full of horse pics. I like “Getting Ready” because the preparation for riding is so important. I remember learning exactly how important it was when I was six and my brother gave me my first pony which he kept on his farm. He told me to press my knee on the horse’s belly when I tightened the cinch, but I thought he was kidding. So, I got up in the saddle, the pony sucked in her gut and my saddle slid upside-down dropping me neatly on the ground. Tricky critter. This horse looks well prepared and I get the saddle will not slide upside down.
For more horses, click here:
I love “Flight” and how he uses light and shadow to make it so dramatic. I love the way the light highlights the horse’s musculature. It’s a very intense picture.
“And this, dear kids…” is why people who ride horses quickly learn how to fall. It will happen. Even the most docile horse can be surprised by a bee sting or by a pheasant rising up out of its nest. I remember when a deer burst out of the ravine, the horse my sister-in-law was riding seemed to teleport from one side of the road to the other, leaving her behind to fall like Wile E. Coyote. It was uncanny. I love how we see this twice, with him and his horse, and their shadows. The few colors in the picture make the shadow play even more effectively.
The Scarred Surgeon’s stream made me smile, an SL stream similar to what my family posts. Just yesterday, four members of my family posted pics of them doing something with horses. Of course, his stream is not just horses. There are pics from his roleplay as a surgeon and even a few self portraits. If you’re interested in his role-play, he has a blog with stories based on his SL adventure.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.