Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Anja Mexicola’s “Bouquet” is a lovely romantic picture. The background is one at the Backdrop Photo Dome, a place often used by bloggers who can use the backgrounds rezzed there but she did a great job using a filter to give the entire picture the feeling of being hand-painted. I love that she was not tempted to be too symmetrical placing the flowers and birds. She is not symmetrical either, her left arm and hand are visible with a billowing eyelet lace sleeve. One the one hand, it is exuberant with so many flowers and the birds, but then there is restraint in her colors. She’s smart in her choices.
If you want to know why you should never have a mermaid roommate, click here:
“P.S. I moved to your apartment xoxo” made me laugh. Of course, if a mermaid moved to my apartment, she would have to bring some water along. I just love the incongruous humor and the whole idea of a mermaid in a room with furnishings that aren’t big clamshells with pillows. It’s a fresh, unique take on mer housing, though there’s no electronics. They probably shorted out.
“October” is emblematic of her fashion microblogging. The pictures are usually at 180° and are three-quarter pics of fabulously styled outfits. She actually wears clothes, too. She incorporates flowers or in this case a leaf and I love all the pics. She is a great stylist.
Anja Mexicola’s photostream has two streams, it seems, in one. There are the diagonal pure fashion shoots and then there are the pictures where she lets her fancy fly (or swim). I like both. Her fashion styling is fantastic and the scenes she creates that suggest a story are as well. She’s definitely someone to follow. She is also an experimenter, trying new ways to find new effects in and outside of SL.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.