Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Rule Binder’s “The Last Dragon” is amazing. So amazing, I teleported over to Willow Falls [teleport here] to check it out. I went during daylight so it was not quite so spooky but there was fog in the cemetery where the Dragon King skeleton can be found. It’s an exciting picture, made more so by the dramatic lighting.
And now for something completely different, click here:
“Small Problems” is a farcical, fun snap of a couple out on the “Blue Pearl.” Like Brody said to Quint, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” I love that he is just having fun with the picture, combining the incongruous pirate gear with the modern puppy bags and floats. The shiny, colorful plastic and the rusty, decrepit boat. It’s all kinds of fun.
“Evermore” is a stunning landscape. The tree is magnificent and beautifully outlined in the moonlight. This was taken at Solveig [Teleport here] but he was inspired by the Led Zeppelin song “The Battle of Evermore” that beautifully evokes the night.
Rule Binder’s photostream is full of adventuring role-play from fighting dragons to riding horses and torpedoes! There are beautiful landscapes and gorgeous romantic photos. It’s just a stream full of Second Life’s many creative joys. I love that he includes SLurls for those who want to check out the sights.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.