Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Panda Bandana is someone I thought I had featured in the past so when I saw this picture “1945”. I almost passed it by even though when I first looked at it, I thought it captured the ennui of the back-to-the-office trend. A lot of people liked working from home and aren’t thrilled to be back in the office sans cats. Then I looked more closely and, well, he is not your average desk jockey. For one, there are two bundles of cash, there is a passport, camera and lens, some office supplies, phone and computer cords, and miscellany that just do not spell out office worker. I would think photojournalist, but there’s too much cash. Any ideas what occupation explains that desktop?
For more glimpses into his Second Life, click here:
“1927” is less enigmatic. He’s with a bunch of friends and having a snowball fight. What a fun picture. I love how they are caught in the middle of their movements, what in our real lives would be a hastily snapped candid photo. Of course, in SL, such a spontaneous photo requires careful planning and placement, adjusting the avatars to be in the right position relative to each other. It is a funny truism about SL photography, the more spontaneous it looks, the less spontaneous it probably is.
This emoji-titled piece “🐟💕” captures a far less conventional side of his Second Life. He seems to be in the arms of a siren and perhaps not long for this world. Of course, we can breathe underwater in SL, so who knows? I love the small little minnows that gather in her wake as though she will share her catch.
Panda Bandana’s photostream is a fabulous blend of everyday living in SL with lots of puppies, his partner, and friends. There are occasional cosplay pictures that capture a vivid imagination. I have featured him before, though never in his own column, but his picture of himself painting inspired me to do a column on people painting in SL. When the Netflix series Bridgerton took the world by storm, I did a column on folks cosplaying the series and featured another picture from him. That’s why I thought I had already done a column and kept bypassing his excellent photostream. I do love his work and wish I had shared it with you earlier.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter or on her blog.
Thanks for this article & for your support since a longtime. I really appreciate it ♥
Posted by: Pnd Bnn | Thursday, December 02, 2021 at 01:43 PM