Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
“One More Pine '' by Johann is a couple years old but I love it too much to leave it out. It reminds me of being a kid and going out in the woods with my dad and uncle and picking a tree for our house. We used a 1938 Chevy pickup instead of a tractor and drove through an old logging road in the woods behind our house rather than wide-open prairie, but the idea is the same, hauling home a tree to decorate. In a way, we celebrated Christmas for a month from St. Lucia’s Day on December 13th to julgransplundringarna, the tree-plundering on January 13th when the tree was taken down. Plundering makes more sense when some of the decorations are cookies.
For more Second Life Christmas fun, click here:
Ella Banana has an adorable Christmas puppy pic. I always have such mixed feelings about pics of animals in clothing. I think they are adorable. I love the pictures. On the other hand, I have never put clothes on a pet and probably never will. It’s cute, but I can’t imagine doing that to my cat.
Moxie Mae did a lovely Christmas greeting from her wife and her. I wish I could feature more furry artists and hope that the increasingly realistic mesh will allow for more excellent pics like this one.
I like Trouble Dethly’s “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” that is full of holiday spirit and presents. He captures the most important element of Christmas - people.
AmandaT Tamatzui captures the most elusive of Christmas pictures. Even better, she provides a SLurl so you can try your luck spotting Santa too. [Teleport here.]
Sannita Cortes’ “Winter Reindeers” is a lovely picture to end with. My favorite Christmas color is blue and white rather than the traditional red and green, so this appeals to me right from the start. I love the feeling of cold, icy weather which is how I think of Christmas. Northern Minnesota is a cold place for Christmas, though we still had fun skating on the lake and my brother dressed as Santa and brought his horse and sleigh despite the cold.
Merry Christmas.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
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