Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Sam Wednesday’s picture “the weekend be like” captures the reality of weekends being more the time to do your laundry, clean your apartment, and go shopping than partying all night long. I love the quotidian honesty of the picture and its title.
For some cosplay excellence, click here:

“Out one finger on my street hawk and I’ll kick you” is an homage to Tokyo Revengers which you can watch on Crunchyroll [click here.] According to the description, this is Mikey and Dragon and as you can see from this picture of the two, Sam succeeded in capturing them. As he wrote, “i really like the tokyo revenge anime, it's been a long time since i wanted to make art from tokyo revengers, i don't think it's similar to the original but i've been carrying out my wish to make it since the anime release,”
“Sorry No Time to Waste” is a great role-play picture. There is a real sense of movement in this picture. I love the little flashes of light on his shoulder and under his arm achieve far more with their subtlety than if they were louder and bigger.
Sam Wednesday’s photostream is great fun, full of roleplay and dramatic picture titles that seem both perfectly suited to the photos and ironic at the same time. I get the sense that he has a great sense of humor and laughs twice as much as he frowns. There is just a lovely spirit animating the pictures for all the threat and warning in his picture titles.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.