NFT? Maybe that should mean Not Friendly Transactions. Allie Volpe of Bustle recently asked me who will be rich in the Metaverse:
Virtual plots of land or massive yachts won’t be signs of wealth in the metaverse if other users aren’t on the platform to witness it, especially if outsiders don’t see value in these items aside from their high price tags, Au says. “To me, the realization that these [metaverse] startups are missing is that community makes things valuable, social cohesion makes things valuable,” he says.
If you're wondering which metaverse startups I'm talking about, here's my post on the so-called Metaverse real estate "bubble".
I go into detail about what is truly valuable on metaverse platforms:
Au cites an example of a user from the platform VR Chat, known only as Jar, who built her own games there. The user’s games became so popular that she developed a following, launched a Patreon, and now earns thousands of dollars per month from patrons to create new VR Chat games. “To me, that’s more relevant in terms of value,” Au says. “People really love her creativity and are a community in themselves.”
Here's my interview with Jar from last August, when she was earning $3200/month through Patreon. Checking her Patreon today, I'm glad to see she's now making $5,316/month from nearly 1,200 patrons.
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