After so many stories about Meta in the Metaverse, the inevitable finally occurred: Meet "Creepy Mark", a chatty bot with a suspiciously familiar appearance which you can buy to silently stalk you in the OG metaverse of Second Life.
I just got my own personal Creepy Mark, and now he won't leave my side, following my every move while promising not to abuse my personal data and so on. (Watch above. He does seem to get confused with climbing hills!)
The smartass brainchild of Moon Bunny Inc & Subculture X, Creepy Mark was the brand's #1 top seller in animated objects in the first days it went on sale, and became a mini-viral hit, ironically enough, on Facebook.
"My business partner created him," Moon explains. "I have been known to complain about Facebook censorship and such, so am guessing that had a hand in inspiring it!"
I'll be impressed with Meta's Horizon Worlds when it has a Creepy Mark bot of its own. (And all the technical and community prerequisites needed to make that possible). But until then, he's available to creep on you in the metaverse before the metaverse was cool.
As for how Creepy Mark works, here's a brief summary from Scribzy, who scripted it:
"It uses llSensor to find the nearest avatar. It then detects if the avatar is moving or not and rotates to face the avatar using llSetRot followed by moving slowly towards the avatar by using llMoveToTarget whilst using an animation."
So now you know how to create a creeper of your own if you're so inclined. (You freak.)
Thank you for featuring Creepy Mark.
Posted by: Moon Inworld | Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 05:15 PM
Love my Creepy Mark. He chases everyone around. Thank goodness he has a radius limit lol
Posted by: Annabella Benedict | Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 05:39 PM
Meta has a Creepy Mark already. He's CEO.
And if you don't like what he says, he can fire you.
Posted by: Iggy 1.0 | Friday, April 01, 2022 at 08:49 AM
I need one of these :D
Posted by: Emerald Wynn | Saturday, April 02, 2022 at 12:18 PM