Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Beauty and Grace is Cheyenne Sadee’s fashion blog and it is gorgeous. Balada al Amanecer is her most recent post. She features a wedding dress which has a blush of pink on her skirt which explains its name, Ballad at Sunrise. The tiger is a nice touch, adding color to the subdued color palette. But rather than just post a nice picture, as most other SL blogs do, she also describes the dress so beautifully:
“This gown has a strapless dress beneath a gorgeous sheer overlay drape that fans out the back like a veil. The wrinkles and shadow detail are, of course, impeccable. This gown also has a headpiece that is a wide spread flower, much like an opened lily with incredible shadow detail on it as well.”
That is real fashion-quality blogging. It is currently at the Bloom Event. Details:
- Dress: POISON ROUGE Balada al Amanecer Wedding Dress – Bloom , Mainstore
- Headpiece: POISON ROUGE Balada al Amanecer Bridal Headdress – Bloom , Mainstore
For more traditional fashion blogging of virtual style, click here:
Oh wow, “Now or Never” features a sexy picture featuring a sexy dress. Read her description:
“This gorgeous dress has wide straps that form a criss-cross in the back. The dress is short and has a set of double buckles on the outer left thigh as well as a cute pocket in the front.”
She gives details on the HUD and colors.I love how she posts PhotoShop as the credit for the hair. I was wondering where it was from:
- Dress: FashionNatic – Nancy Dress – Mainstore
- Shoes: FashionNatic – Nancy Heels – Mainstore
- Hair: Photoshop
Beauty and Grace is the kind of blog that used to be the norm, a blog describing the clothes with enthusiasm and detail. She tells you what comes with your purchase, the HUDs, the colors, etc. Her post have additional picture details as well as the main picture.
I understand the multilingual world of Second Life lends itself to photos and credits without text, but I love these blogs with narrative about the clothes. She provides complete details where you can find everything. She also checks the categories of items featured so you can use a drop down menu at the top to filter for posts featuring shoes, for example. Her contact info is at the bottom of each post (after the disclaimer.) It might be advantageous to post that on her contact page to give folks an easier way to find her. I really like her blog, though I wish her pics didn’t get cropped automatically on the front page. She has a good eye and would do a much better job of cropping than the blogging program does.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.