Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Aeon Jiminy’s picture title is a quote, “Tu comprends pas tout, tout est trop flou, comme si t’avais bu la tasse, noyé comme tous ces idiots.” which Google tells me means, “You don't understand everything, everything is too vague, as if you had drunk the cup, drowned like all these idiots.” It seemed so specific, I assumed it must come from somewhere and it does, from this song. [L’Imperatrice-Peur des filles] I had to check it out and it is hilarious. [Click here for the song.]
I fell in love with every picture in his stream and messaged Hamlet that I want to include everything, but that would be silly. So, I noticed he likes to shoot toward the sun which can create long shadows when shot from an angle as in this picture, or if the angle is low, it can blow out the detail into a white halo, or if shot full on create a silhouette. The angle with which you approach the sun can make dramatic changes.
For more into the sun pictures, click here:
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Bring New Excitement to Ancient SL Locations With a Discovery & Exploration Game (Comment of the Week)
While Linden Lab has saved Tempura, we discussed how preservation does not guarantee survival. Reader "Nadeja", however, thinks Tempura has better than average prospects:
What's the solution for sites that don't have as much native stability as Tempura? Nadeja has the glimmering of a great idea -- turn preserved SL sims into a grid-like game:
Continue reading "Bring New Excitement to Ancient SL Locations With a Discovery & Exploration Game (Comment of the Week)" »
Posted on Monday, April 18, 2022 at 02:12 PM in Comment of the Week, Economics of SL | Permalink | Comments (2)