Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Damatjo Magic created this for Lawrence D. Pryce’s Bloom of Spring: Humanity’s Hope Challenge. [Details of the Challenge here.] In addition to their pictures, people were asked to add some words of encouragement and inspiration. Damatjo added a link to Michael Jackson’s “Heal the World” [click here] which I cannot remember ever hearing before. I expected to see a lot of sunflowers and people did not disappoint. Damatjo wrote, “Where flowers bloom, so does hope. Let's hope that the war, that's going on now, will end and that we can all live in peace again. My heart and prayers are with the people.”
For more blossoming pictures, click here:
Ethan Lane Jaymes cracked me up with his gentle sendup of the tropes of spring flowers and butterflies. He quotes Salman Rushdie “Love is spring after winter. It comes to heal life’s wounds, inflicted by the unloving cold.” Then he adds, “the past year has been a torment for many, creating scars and wounds both physical and mental. Here I wish for Spring to commence the healing.
Mac Massimo went in a surreal direction, something that feels so appropriate this spring, one he describes perfectly. His short message was to the point, “"A Surreal Spring." His picture calls to mind The Son of Man by Rene Magritte [click here.]
I always look forward to Lawrence’s challenges, particularly the Bloom of Spring Challenge with all the flowers. I am certain it has the highest concentration of great Second Life pictures you can find anywhere and I always find new-to-me artists so gifted I cannot believe I have not seen them before. This year is no exception and I will feature more great pics, but you can check out the galleries yourself. There are two, because one gallery alone could not hold all the blooms.
To go to Gallery One of the Bloom of Spring Challenge, click here. To go to Gallery Two of the Bloom of Spring Challenge, click here.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.