Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Nadej Dae’s photostream is otherworldly. “Even trees have wings” is an excellent example. It’s a shot of a tree, a magnificent tree, but still just a tree. However by making this a duotone with bold light and shadow it seems foreboding and spooky, an alien tree from another planet perhaps.
For more eerie pics, click here:
“Ni le temps, ni la distance ne sont un obstacle pour réunir ceux qui s'aiment” would be a nice, though ordinary, snap of a woman looking into the distance from a cliff. But then Nadej applied radial blur and suddenly it is suggestive of so much more. She is phase-shifting from one multiverse to another.
“From one world to another, everything except indifference” makes her multiverse intentions so clear with the picture’s title. She sees different interactions, subtle differences from one world to the next.
I only recently discovered Nadej Dae’s photostream and am so glad I did. Her pictures are fascinating, using simple techniques like layering, blur, and lighting to suggest an otherworldly universe of complexity and possibility.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.