SL Redditor /RealEvilind recently posted this tantalizing image, showing Second Life running on Steam Deck, the handheld videogame console from Valve, and they report it gets pretty great performance:
This is Firestorm running on the Steam Deck pretty well. It pulls off 30 - 40 FPS in a normal crowded area, on high, with ambient occlusion on. It runs on Linux, and it's very easy to install. All I had to do is customize the controller, so that I could move and manipulate the camera. The device's trackpads can be set as mouse with click and right click.
We finally have a pretty cheap, truly portable solution for Second Life.
Maybe so! If you have a Steam Deck and the patience to set it up to run SL. As I'm not a Steam Deck owner myself, I'm talking with RealEvilind now, and will hopefully get a video to show their demo in action.
As for the setup, here's their notes on that:
Firestorm must be added to glossi, then added to Steam through glossi, and launched through Steam, or the controller won't be recognized.
The performance drops on average 20% - 30%, if not more.
In London SOHO, at high with ALM and AO enabled I'm getting 7-8 fps. On medium with ALM and AO off, view distance at 32, I'm getting 19-20 fps.
On my sim, I'm getting 30 fps, compared to 40 on SteamOS.
The keyboard experience is crap, on both the Steam kb and Windows touch keyboard (it doesn't scale properly).
So not a great or full performance, but more than good enough for many applications. Caveat emptor and all that, but if you do have a Steam Deck and want to give it a try, report your results below!
Would be nice to see LL or Firestorm become steam deck verified while heavily advertising the fact of the option as this would be a perfect solution for those on a budget or those who prefer the portability.
AYANEO Air Plus would be a good budget alternative with easier viewer installation.
Posted by: Hanna Fanna Mofanna | Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 05:39 PM
Valve will not Steam Deck verify any program that is not on Steam.
Linden has clearly expressed zero interest in listing their platform on Steam, probably because 90% of the userbase uses Firestorm anyway.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Saturday, June 04, 2022 at 02:10 PM