Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Sonic is such a great Second Life artist, I page past her pictures, assuming I have featured her before, because how could I not? But then I wondered and Googled and now I am making up for my oversight. Now, her photostream is dangerous because you could fall in and never come out. It has that kind of creative energy. Take “Enlightenment is the unfolding of divinity within.” for example. It’ s not just the makeup, the flowers, the eyes, or the pose, it’s all of them together. Her work is the perfect example of synergy, of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts.
For more synergistic creations, click here:
“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak” is another creation bringing together several elements from different sources, inspired by a tattoo from Zibska. I included a link to the tattoo so you can see she is not shooting face out of the box, but assembling these inventive characters with extraordinary creativity.
There were so many great choices, I decided to go with “Corrupt” with her cybernetic avatar. It reminded me of the stories about the Google AI that Hamlet blogged about last week. Most experts agree that the Google AI is not sentient, not self-aware. I thought this was an interesting article on Lambda which talks about the biases that get built into these systems. “No, the Google AI isn’t sentient; but it likely is racist and sexist.”
Definitely check out Sonic’s photostream, just make sure you have plenty of time to spare because she will take you around the universe and back again.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.