Lots of good reader feedback around the just-announced Premium Plus offering for Second Life. According to Luther Weymann, getting a Premium Plus in his specific scenario would not be a very good deal:
I have a free account.
I have a 2048 store in a private region for monthly rent.
I have product development that I upload textures at L$10 each.Suppose I buy the $249/yr premium plus, move my 2048 store to the mainland, get the weekly stipend and sign-up bonus, and stop paying for texture upload. In that case, I spend about $100 a year for the premium. I already pay about $100 a year for the SL Market sales commission. So I would go from paying SL $100 a year to $200 a year, and I only gain more groups.
Yikes. I imagine many SLers are in a situation like his. Speaking of product development, Dee has a very good idea of improving Premium Plus for content creators:
For anyone with a Linden ear they can whisper into, it would be a VERY desirable thing to add the ability to roll one (or more) avatar accounts under the umbrella of this new premium plus subscription. Few people want to have multiple premium accounts - but for someone with both a "business/store" avatar account and a "just me" avatar account - being able to to have the advantage of the extra groups and name changes would be great.
Also handy to be able to designate the secondary account to own the land, not double land, just a choice if both accounts were registered under a single membership. At the end of the day it doesn't matter which account we are using, we are still the same human behind our avatars.
I think this idea could bring a LOT of folks with a few accounts to the table for this new higher priced membership, especially if the name change is in there.
She's right, there's thousands of landlords/content creators who would this very option.