Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Arietemolesto is a blog from Caesar Langer. I am guessing it is really Ariete Molesto which Google Translate tells me means “annoying ram”. Well, I am not annoyed by this blog post The Riding Begins.It’s very weekend casual and perfect for a bike ride if it were not going to be 100𝆩 today. I love the pose which looks completely natural.
- Top: Unfolded – Rayan Jacket (@ TMD)
- Pants: Unfolded – Ares Jeans
- Shoes: Gutchi – BSKT Sneakers M1 (@ ACCESS)
- Pose and Bicycle: Secret Poses – Bicycle Ride
For a slightly less casual look, click here:

Panorama is lovely daywear for work and for sightseeing on an untrustworthy bridge. I love the foggy sky. It looks cool and refreshing.
- Outfit: Hoorenbeek – NG Outfit Armand (including jacket with shirt, pants, shoes and shades)
- Pose: CKey Poses – Giorgio (@ TMD)
Arietemolesto does not annoy me, no matter what the name means. The blog posts are clear and with credits for the outfits and poses. It’s a very clean blog with a sidebar with recent Flickr pics, a link to his Facebook, blogs he follows, etc. He does not have an About Me page which would be a good addition. What looks like a link to one just goes to the home page. There he should have his in-world name so potential sponsors can find him as well as links to social media. He might include info on his skin and body choices for his regular default appearance, though some people don’t like to share that info because they don’t want to run into themselves at events. That’s a personal decision folks make. If you’re lamenting the lack of good men’s clothes for everyday wear, be sure to check out and follow his blog.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.