VRChat/metaverse lovers, pencil in July 27 on your calendar, because that's when HBO is premiering "We Met in VR", Joe Hunting's feature length documentary devoted to the VRChat community. Watch the trailer above, featuring some VRChat worlds that have also been covered here, including the deaf community which teaches sign language in VRChat, and Udon Tycoon, an insanely ambitious roller coaster construction sim.
I've been chatting with Joe since January, when his crowdfunded documentary debuted at the Sundance film festival:
"Sundance was a whirlwind, as you can imagine," he messaged me back in January, "but a real dream come true."
The film industry crowd is not generally very conversant with metaverse platforms, but what they do understand is stories and personalities, and that seemed to help it click with that crowd:
"The reception has been mixed in a great way," as Joe put it. "I've held many screenings and listened to reviews from non-VR users and people are asking all the right questions about what this media is and how communities can function in VR. There's confusion, but it's generating a lot of genuine conversation, which is very fulfilling."