Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Alma has an intriguing photostream. Take this picture. I knew at first glance it was Bonnie and Clyde and if I didn’t, she confirmed it with her song choice, “The World Will Remember Us.” [Click here.] Everything fits, the clothing, the car, the drawn pistole - all suggest Bonnie and Clyde immediately.
It’s odd how people recall their connections to infamous criminals like Bonnie and Clyde as though they were good people. I knew this old man in real life who gave Clyde an apple. My great-great-grandfather hid the James Brothers in his barn. This very suspect family legend was confirmed by the historical society in Iowa so maybe it’s true. It seems so unlikely. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was told Ma Barker and her gang hid out for the Winter on the big island on the lake where I lived. If that were true, they would have turned themselves in just to warm up.
For more of Alma's stories, click here:
“After a long journey on my flying island, I am back home.” This time there is no song, but there is a story, as yet unwritten. But do we need the story or can we look at this picture and imagine her journey?
And now for something completely different: “Clair Obscur” is a more conceptual picture, an illustration of light and shadow with her face framed by her hands. It’s one of those pictures that stops you in your tracks and makes you look.
Alma’s photostream is a delight, rich with stories and ideas. I love her storytelling, but am also drawn to her more high concept pictures, too. I guess we get the best of both, don’t we.?
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.