Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
mSilverwolf loves music and it shows in his pictures of himself playing various instruments in Second Life. “The Sax” is a gorgeous black and white with lots of fog. It comes with a song, as well, an old favorite, “Pride and Joy” by Stevie Ray Vaughan. [To listen, click here.]
For more musicianship, click here:
“I see you” gives us Silverwolf playing piano. Another duotone, this time in sepia, to suggest time has passed. He also includes a song, new to me, “See You” by Julia Westlin” [To listen, click here.]
And of course, the guitar. “Comfortably Numb” is paired by an interesting cover of the iconic Pink Floyd song played by Jamie Dupois on harp guitar. {To listen, click here.] This was a real treat, hearing an old favorite reimagined this way. This time, Silverwolf gives us a brilliant chiaroscuro with a brilliant small spot of light fading quickly into the shadows. It’s interesting that this time he is merely holding the guitar, not playing it.
You might get the impression that mSilverwolf only does black and white, but that’s not so. There are many full-color pics in his stream. Still, black and white pics have a certain grandeur that give them a different kind of emotional heft. There is a simplicity, a removal of everything extraneous to the form, that makes them feel more focused and restrained.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.