— Sanny Yoshikawa🌻🌻🌻 (@sannysquirrel) August 5, 2022
Today is another day#secondlife pic.twitter.com/SXYQG81gT1
If you were to judge Second Life only by how it's mostly depicted on Flickr or Facebook, you'd assume it's a photorealistic fashion simulator. But among the Second Life users of Japan, many of whom congregate on Twitter, Second Life is just as much (if not moreso) a comically zany and quirky play space, where you're just as likely to, say, come across a giant circus hamster playing Pokémon GO.
"I think most Japanese SLers grew up in a quirky culture in real life," New World Notes' Japanese translator Sanny Yoshikawa tells me. (That's Sanny above, as the hamster.) "We played gacha or funny arcade games when we were little kids. Then we moved to Nintendo and PlayStation. Also, so many funny anime and TV shows were always beside us. I think we are native to quirky culture."
Sounds right to me. Now that I'm following hundreds of Japanese SLers on Twitter, my feed is blessed with adorably goofy and wacky images on the daily, depicting a Second Life that reminds me of its earlier, Bebop Reality days before mesh had moved the economy and culture toward high end fashion.
More on that topic another day, but for now, here's a glimpse of SL Japan, with some translation from Sanny when necessary. She helps explain, for example, why a buff naked guy with Gundam weaponry and a teddy bear helmet is wearing a salad on his crotch:
"Magnum attaches different creators' items at the same time. Magnum wears a leaf made by GABRIEL, which is a fashion brand for mesh human avatars," Sanny explains. "You know our [SL] communities always have a wall between species or philosophy but we are trying to overcome them." Well OK then!
This was taken at a Second Life tribute to Comiket, a regular event in Tokyo that's the world's largest fan convection. (Yes, many times larger in attendance than Comic-Con.) Comiket also came with a hamster market:
#SL_C100 撤収完了。タイムリミットぎりぎりに仕上がった原稿を超高速でチェック、校正してくれた、驚くべき敏腕編集者、Sannyさん。おかげさまで間に合いました、感謝感激雨あられ!サニーハムハム…本当に…おそろしい子…! pic.twitter.com/qBwHSxMneh
— Princess Hammy (@FrangipaniFlow) August 15, 2022
And a giant fish stall:
— りぃさ (@riisansl) August 13, 2022
めっちゃ賑やかだったーw pic.twitter.com/1BaX87t5Mw
And then there was this group tribute to "Greg", one of Second Life's default avatars:
なんだあれは・・・ pic.twitter.com/TnGWWMkjOo
— magnum yoshikawa (@MagnumYoshikawa) August 13, 2022
And why take interior decoration photos in a regular home, when you can do it underwater?
— 🅼🅸🅳🅾🍃 (@Mido36881043) August 11, 2022
[SHIFUKU] Denim Couch @ Cosmopolitan
:LW: Bento Poses - Under Water Prop @ Cosmopolitan
[Con.] Tv Terrarium - Wooden@C88 pic.twitter.com/NMpPFtVzVi
... or have a pool party that looks like a beer commercial, when you can have a pool party with a ninja and an old guy with truly excellent hair?
Image via SLShono3
And finally, an obligatory Oppai Battle, which requires no translation:
Oppai BATTLE!! pic.twitter.com/ucEbO1ZsrR
— マキコ (@makikocriss2) June 25, 2022
If you want to join in on the fun, the Comiket event is over, but here's an ongoing events from SL's Japanese community:
And much domo to Sanny!
I stopped by Comiket in SL last week, the place was completely bonkers and packed with people. I had no idea what was going on, everyone was speaking in Japanese (obviously). When I turned up there was a HUGE macro female avatar towering over the entire build, I had to cam upwards a LOT to find her nametag! I've no idea how tall she was, but I'm pretty sure that's the biggest avatar I've seen in SL by a long shot.
While most of the stuff there, and in the Twitter posts you linked to, isn't of interest to me, I have to admit my admiration for all those folks having fun, being silly and enjoying the possibilities offered by SL. The virtual world could use a lot more of that right now.
Posted by: Spiffy Voxel | Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 02:15 AM
Magnum told me about the screenshot. It represents the miracle of the intersection of three different lines crossing over that would normally be impossible: the well-known fashion brand GABRIEL (a salad ), a solitary artist Cica Ghost (a teddy bear helmet), and the mysterious SL cow Kyubey (Gundam weaponry). They set up stores at SL Comiket at the same time. Magnum was moved by the miracle of these three lines crossing over and took this screenshot. So this picture is not just showing his nudity! LOL
Posted by: Sanny Yoshikawa | Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 03:44 AM