No, Virtual Reality Is Not In Its "Early Days" (Comment Of The Week)
Mobile phones in the 80s were incredibly expensive and bulky, the connectivity was sporadic and low quality, but their fundamental utility for communicating with anyone by phone nearly anywhere you carried one was immediately and universally obvious. This use case was so valuable, early adopters were willing to put up with their many shortcomings...
Afrofuturist Nettrice Gaskins Creates Utterly Stunning Art With Midjourney
"The images I'm generating is unique to me; it starts with my imagination. The machine attempts to understand and match my text with imagery. I don't think anyone who sees my work would say it's not art..."
I Can't Stop Looking At Hilariously Quirky Posts From Second Life's Japanese Community On Twitter
"I think most Japanese SLers grew up in a quirky culture in real life," New World Notes' Japanese translator Sanny Yoshikawa tells me. "We played gacha or funny arcade games when we were little kids. Then we moved to Nintendo and PlayStation. Also, so many funny anime and TV shows were always beside us. I think we are native to quirky culture..."
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