Linden Lab only recently announced its Puppetry Project, enabling real time control of Second Life avatars through webcams and other movement tracking devices. But unsurprisingly, while the project is very much in Alpha, hardcore SLers are already unpacking and setting it up. That includes Judas Shuffle (love the avatar name, that's him above), who recently posted some very detailed instructions for doing so yourself. Word of warning before clicking, this is for an unreleased project and requires some tech savvy (or extreme patience) -- so click here and read with caution.
"My favorite experience in virtual worlds so far was smiling at someone and having them smile back," Judas explains. "If it all works as well as it should it will bring people closer together."
Hilariously, he got it going and posted these instructions only days after it was announced, which suggests some strong desire to see it in Second Life. ("A user in the beta grid got it working with my instructions.") To be sure, the final version should be relatively plug-and-play, but, "The [current] release as-is is about letting coders see what they can do with it. The puppetry build I would think means if you have the know how you could connect it to anything."
Yes, anything, not just webcams. In fact, Judas sent me this video of SLer Chaser Zaks running the Puppetry viewer through Blender:
And if it's already connected to Blender, the leading 3D modeling tool for Second Life creators, you know what craziness is coming soon. Read more here.
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