Watch: Virtual photography award announced at 24 minutes in
Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Angelika Corral recently won Flickr/Smug Mug’s World Photography Day category for virtual photography with this photo at right, “I’m not just what you see.” You can watch the contest announcement here or above, cued to the Virtual World Photo award 23 minutes into the video, but the other images are wonderful so you might want to watch the whole thing, especially where the hosts talk about Linden Lab's participation in the awards, and how impressed they are by the genre's overall quality.
This category included gaming, 3D graphic arts, and, of course, Second Life. There was an interesting discussion of the complexity of judging the category. I certainly understand why she won. The portrait is exquisite with great care. Look at how she used depth of field fading into shadow. Of course, this sent me to her stream to discover her experimenting with her SL shots.
For more images from Corral, click here:

In “Your wall so high”, Angelika started with a Second Life screenshot that she then drew on it using the Procreate app. I love the sense of a woman escaping from behind a mask, but the mask is of herself. Is this perhaps commentary on social media, how we try to perfect the image we project which creates a wall between us and the people we are trying to communicate with.
“Art as Mindfulness Project” was taken at Ojuela. It is stunning. I love the bold foreground and the light background. It’s such an imaginative image. Now this is a dryad.
Angelika Corral’s photostream demonstrates exactly how well-deserved her Flickr prize. It’s great to see virtual photography being recognized as an art form in itself. I love that she works in black and white. Color often distracts us from the composition of a picture, but you cannot hide in black and white. That is why black and white can be so powerful.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright Angelika Corral