Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Cain Evergarden’s Second Life is so much more exciting than mine ever was. Here he is in a two-fisted gun battle with the bad guys…unless he’s the bad guy. It is unclear. I just naturally assume people see and play the good guys in role play, but that would be impossible. You can’t roleplay a good guy without a bad guy.I am impressed with how simply he conveys that sense of jeopardy with his arms raised, shooting away, and an intense scowl of concentration.
For more fab roleplay, click here:
Holy Hannibal! I think he’s the bad guy here. Though the wounds on his hands complicate it, I have to say he looks like someone who could haunt our nightmares with those dangerous nails and the moths who are so drawn to him.
I love this picture. It exemplifies what is so thrilling about his pictures, the way he uses color. While he is not shooting duotones, he does limit the color with his choices of background and lighting. Most of the time, he chooses the warm red and yellow or the cool blue and green, always with plenty of black, which is not technically a color, but a shade.
I love the energy and excitement in Cain Evergarden’s stream. I love how he commits to the warm or cool color stories. He is also a Flickr microblogger, so if you like his style, you can go shopping. He also has three blogs which you can find out more about in his blogger profile.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright Cain Evergarden