Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Deborah Lombardo [Harbor Galaxy] is a difficult artist to feature because every picture is good and I want to share them all. She’s also the reason I changed my Flickr setting to Adult rather than Moderate several years back. I didn’t want to miss a picture. It’s near impossible to pick just three. To make it easier, I decided to limit my choices to pictures taken at Mother Road [To teleport, click here.] I love how "The Visitor" quite literally frames itself. Then there are the window panes dividing the space into two-thirds and one-third. I also love how the avatar is active herself, not just standing but reaching out.
For more from Mother Road, click here:
"Siesta" is marvelous. I love how the man and the bench are diagonal lines running perpendicular to each other both at 45° angles. Like all of Harbor Galaxy’s work, it looks like a painting more than a screenshot thanks to texture overlays and working with color saturation. According to an article from six years ago, she spends a lot of time in-world on getting the lighting just as she wants it and then edits in GIMP using texture layers, distortion, blur, and saturation to produce her work.
"Desert Dawn" is the quintessential Harbor Galaxy work, a screenshot that looks like a Vermeer, Like Vermeer she sees as much beauty in the shadow as in the sunlight. In many ways, she is like the Baroque artists with simple, sometimes solid backgrounds, rich color, deep shadows and bright light capturing movement in action. Consider the first picture with the hand reaching out or this one looking over the back of a bench. These are not pictures of posed stillness. Even the man in Siesta is painted in the action of sleeping.
If you aren’t following Harbor Galaxy, fix that oversight right now. Then check out her albums where some of her work is organized thematically. You will be astonished by her work. She does not always do Baroque. For example, Simple Clouds is reminiscent of Rene Magritte. There is a lot to discover and it’s all worthy of your time and attention.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright Deborah Lombardo