Above: Hanna's view of Ukraine last March; Hanna's view of Ukraine this month
Last March, Hanna, Ukraine-based creator of the beloved SL fashion brand OSMIA, over 6 months pregnant, was hiding out in a city under active Russian occupation.
"I'm having a hard time mentally," she messaged me from a basement at the time. "The streets are really dangerous."
This week -- when she also happens to be celebrating her birthday -- she messaged me a much more optimistic update, and the photo above right: Her baby was safely born, she's escaped with her family to a relatively safe part of Ukraine, and lives in a well-kept home by the forest. In a free part of Ukraine.
But that safety is still relative:
Only days after messaging me, Putin unleashed a deadly missile barrage on Kyiv. As you might imagine, that's not exactly conducive to creating new content in the Metaverse.
"I had a forced move, and it's very difficult to do it in war mode with a small child and animals," as she put it in a recent social update. "I'll be back to my usual rhythm soon, don't lose me!
I doubt her many fans will lose sight of her. In the meantime, if you're in the market for OSMIA's many sexy and glamorous avatar furnishings -- or you even just want to let Hanna know you're thinking of her -- here's her SL Marketplace store.