Walsh County on the Campton sim [click here to teleport]
I was so amazed by Micah Volmaire’s “Timeless - Part I” featured in a Cajsa post last week that I had to visit myself -- it's a beautiful wheat field dubbed Walsh County. [Click here to teleport]
I also wanted to do a compare and contrast with Volmaire's final image. Above is what Walsh County looks like taken as a direct screengrab from my laptop using the default SL viewer and most (but not all) the graphics features turned on.
And here's what it looks like through Volmaire's lens:
Seriously impressive! We've reached out to Volmaire on his technique, whether it was using a specific setting, EEP/WindLight, or whether it involves some post-production filter, or both. In any case, I love the artful contrast between the final image and what the average user (i.e. me) sees in the real (virtual) world.
... thanks so much for taking note of Walsh. :) Rando
Posted by: Randonee Noel | Friday, December 02, 2022 at 07:45 AM