Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Melusina Parkin’s photostream is such a palate cleanser for me. I would describe her style as disciplined and austere, in the best possible sense of the word. There is a reason “less is more” has become a universal bit of advice. Excess distracts us with abundance while simplicity lets us focus on the essentials. “Interior Details 4” is stunning. It’s bold, bright, and graphically powerful. It zooms in close, so close that the whole is lost, but we still infer what is not there. We recognize what is unseen. I love it.
For more brilliant interiors, click here:
The classic diner booths in “Interior Details 3” give us so much more than a picture of some seats and tables. It’s a whole mood and a portal to another era. It’s chocolate malts and root beer phosphates. It’s the hardest job I ever had.
“Interior Details 6” is very different from the first two pictures. They are off center, asymmetrical, with bold warm colors. This picture feature a cool blue and is a study in symmetry. Negative space is important, the black void is as much a part of the composition as the chairs.
Melusina Parkin is my Second Life palate cleanser. I needed her art tonight. I was ready to give up on finding something interesting. I decided to look at work that I know will be good. I really could not bear to see one more ass cheek or penis ravine.
I have reached my limit of lingerie, nip slips, side and underboobs, and you all know what I am talking about. It’s not shocking. It’s just so damn boring. If you want to stand out as a photographer, don’t shoot the exact same picture as everyone else.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright Melusina Parkin
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