Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
See my first five follow recommendations here
Whiskey Monday not only gives us intriguing visual images, but her pictures are intended to make us think. She often takes a metaphor and makes it literal so we see it in a new way. For example, winging it implies just getting by, sort of an extemporaneous and haphazard approach, jumping in without preparation, but flying…that is success. So we have this image of her flying, but unseen, her success not visible even to herself.
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Wicca Merlin is another of my favorites to follow. While the macabre is not my personal style, I do love to see others exploring the gruesome and gritty, the scarier the better. Wicca has one of the most original and creative streams I can think of. Nothing is predictable and ordinary. If you want to be surprised, follow her stream.
I love Eripom Moonwall’s stream as well even though there is an occasional hentai picture that would make DeSade blush. I just browse past. Her stream is like a video game or action movie come to Second Life, with lots of firepower. There’s urban warfare and then there is Eripom’s urban warfare which comes with much less clothing. It’s not for the faint of heart.
Trouble Dethly’s Flickr stream is a beautiful example of the ability of pictures to tell stories. He creates entire scenes and pictures to illustrate an idea that he wants to discuss in his blog which is more about his life than fashion. For example, this picture illustrates the idea of parts of ourselves dying or being lost when we change over time.
MONK takes very simple pictures but they make such strong statements. Here there is a pic of three pillows, but through his lens, a pillow becomes the pillow, so to speak. Suddenly it is the substance of pillowdom for all time. I suppose that sounds Platonic, but there is this way he has of making something quotidian and ordinary and through framing and lighting, making it significant and substantial.
This list of people to follow could be longer. On a different day, my list might be completely different. There are so many I can think of now that I have reached ten. I follow people for all sorts of reasons and they reward me with wonderful pictures year round. Who did I miss? Who do you think are must-follow photographers?
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
Recommended laptop for SL/metaverse activity:
All images copyright the individual artist