Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Pavel Stransky is doing something really interesting with AI art. He starts with an SL screenshot, then processes it through Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image Artificial Intelligence, fine tunes it with Photoshop and then adds detail and definition with another AI called GigaPixel. So from an SL screenshot he produces what looks like a Modigliani. Who knows? Perhaps it is Modigliani’s “Seated Nude” as seen from the back.
For more examples of his SL/AI art, click here:
“The Heron” is another creation that began as an SL screenshot and was transformed with AI. It now makes me think of a Japanese silkscreen, especially with the splashes of red. I love this.
“Boats in the Sand” is another picture he took from Second Life and altered with AI. In this picture, I think of Van Gogh’s “Fishing Boats on the Beach” .
I am fascinated by Pavel Stransky’s photostream. You can see the Second Life in his pictures unlike many AI manipulations. When you go back further, you can see him experimenting with light and WindLight to create interesting effects as well. This is an experimenter who can’t resist trying new ideas. I love his avatar portrait manipulations as well, particularly the one where he had the AI make a female avatar out of his male avatar.
Recommended laptop for SL/metaverse activity:
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All images copyright Pavel Stransky