Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
When Hamlet asked me to highlight my favorite posts from my Friday Fashion blog column, the first one I thought of is: Second Life Blogger Reviews Virtual Hotels - Yes They Exist & Some Charge Over $12/USD A Night!
Before I came across The SL Hotel Inspector, my idea of hotels in Second Life were the so-many-lindens per hour skyboxes and rendezvous rooms where landless residents hooked up to test the animations. However, unknown to me and many others, there was a thriving hotel industry for virtual tourism offering experiences far more varied and sophisticated than jumping on colored balls. The blog was a revelation.
For more of my favorite Second Life bloggers of 2022, click here:

Ani Euleenberg’s Cinnamon is another favorite post. Her blog is sadly infrequent, but it’s very worthwhile. I love those bloggers who write about their outfit or about themselves. When it’s only a picture and credits, you almost have to wonder why bother with a blog when you can just use Flickr. People who write offer more than a look, they share a part of themselves.
Friday Fashion Blog: Beauty & Grace Covers Second Life Style With Descriptions Worthy Of A Real Life Fashion Blog is another favorite because it celebrates the kind of blog I love, one that describes the fashions with the voice of a fashionista. I love, love, love it when people describe what they are wearing. And Grace does it beautifully.
Other favorite posts about favorite SL bloggers include:
- Styles For Male Avatars From Kai Wirsing - for the blog Blue...
- Second Life Fashion Blogs Are Overwhelmed By Lingerie & Swimsuit Spreads. Artifex Silence Is a Stylish Break from That - for the blog Artifex Silence
- New World Notes: SL Style Blogger Toshiya Sato Features Action Fashion & Looks from the Okinawa Summer Festival! - for the blog Toshikya Sato
- Shopping Tips to Make Your Second Life Interior Look Better Than a Home & Gardens Magazine Photo Spread! - for the blog Cozey in SL
What blogs should I be sure to follow in 2023?
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright the respective artists
Blogs that most never read or the boring fashion promoting once again the addition to shopping like there is nothing more to SL.
Isn't there any blog depicting travel to cool sims?
Posted by: Isabella | Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 01:29 AM
Thank you so much Cajsa! I started the Hotels site really as a form of pandemic therapy when RL travel was largely impossible, and I'm glad that people still find it useful.
@Isabella, in answer to your question my go to blogs about sims (in addition to NWN of course!) are:
Mein Zweites Leben (in German, but Chrome will ofc transalte it) -
Art Korner SL, which has some good picks of the month -
And of course Inara Pey -
Posted by: Dirk Vanlager | Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 06:31 AM