Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Since Mr. Badass’ hay bale sent me off on a hay bale tangent yesterday, I jumped back to his stream today to give it the attention it deserves. I love his stream, a mix of gorgeous landscapes and candid pics of him having fun. “Morning Haze’ is at Endless Birdlings Flat [To teleport, click here] and shows that even though we think of industrial sites as blights on the landscape, they have their own sort of stark beauty.
For more of Mr. Badass’ gorgeous landscapes, click here:

“Buddha Garden” shows a beautiful shot of a Buddha on a cliff [To teleport, click here] with a beautiful parhelion. One of the joys of SL is you can go from the prairie to SE Asia in a heartbeat rather than thirty hours. I love the detail in this picture, you can almost see the pores of the rocks.
“Flower of Scotland” is madly beautiful. I love the flowers and the tree branch antlers. It reminds me of a perfectly twee BBC series called Monarch of the Glen. [To see a trailer, click here] The opening credits always showed this magnificent stag similar to the one by Sir Edward Landseer called, oddly enough, The Monarch of the Glen.
Mr. Badass’ photostream is delightful, with great action photos as well as landscapes. I love his skies and his experimenting with light, with duotones and vibrant, intense color as well. It’s hard to describe because he experiments in so many ways.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright, well, Mr. Badass