Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Grazia Horwitz shared “If you don’t woe me by now” is magnificent. She did it after my column about SLers offering homage to the Netflix series. I have nothing to add. It’s perfect.
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I love this picture from Meriluu Limosa. Some of my favorite scenes were Wednesday playing cello. I love the way the light comes through the window. The light is so physical, it looks as though you could pick it up and carry it off.
Krooked shot a few pics that appear inspired by Wednesday. “Addams” is the most clearly. I just love the way he shoots avatars. The exaggerated physiognomy makes them seem to come from an alternate universe. I admit it’s strange that his work makes me think of a Spanish Renaissance painter, but it does. He shows the intense colors and elongated bodies that you find in an El Greco but really, his work has always felt kind of modern to me.
You can find even more pics in the Wednesday Gallery (above) and tag me if you shoot pics you want included.
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