Thrilled to finally announce New World Notes has an advertising executive with many years of experience in both Second Life and the wider immersive/gaming industry.
To get in touch with “Demonica” and request a rate card and start a conversation, send an e-mail to ads at new-world-notes dot com.
Here's the top-line details on NWN:
Founded in 2006, New World Notes ( is the longest-running, most-read blog devoted to Second Life news & culture and the Metaverse. Featured by New York Times, WSJ, BBC, The Atlantic, LA Times, Kotaku, Polygon, and many other major news and gaming outlets. Averages 120,000-192,000 visits per month, with regular readership highly focused on virtual worlds (especially SL), games, technology, and tech hardware. Source: SimilarWeb
You can also contact Demonica in-world -- details below. We are especially interested in SL/metaverse brands which delight and benefit our readership of virtual world/metaverse platform early adopters.
In-world, click to connect with Demonica here on their SL social page.
I'm excited to have Demonica helping out with ads. An SLer for over 16 years, they are also a sound designer and game industry pro for as long. And as you can tell from their pic, they have excellent taste in cool SL content.
General questions? Feel free to discuss with Demonica or myself below!
I prefer not to contact any Demonic things :)
Posted by: angel :) | Friday, March 17, 2023 at 04:35 AM