Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
EPIPHAINEIN has the best photostream, I haven’t a clue where to start, he is so inventive.
Here is detail from “Sunday Funnies with Joe” -- see the whole amazing thing here.
And he delivers, not just with his persuasive pics, but the dialog even sounds like President Biden. I want more comics.
EPIPHAINEIN explains his name on his Flickr profile: “The word ‘epiphany’ comes from the Greek word ‘epiphainein’, which means ‘to make known’, ‘to manifest’, or ‘to shine upon’.” Well, he manifests humor, an appreciation for art, and a love of movies. And that’s not all
For more inventive manifestations, click here:
“I’ve Just Met a Girl Named Maria” captures the push and pull attraction at the heart of West Side Story with two young people in love with each other whose loyalty demands enmity, not love. I wonder when someone will finally resolve Romeo and Juliet by having their love settle a feud rather than the feud end their lives.
EPIPHAINEIN owns the fabulous “Nighthawks” Second Life recreation where so many people, including me, have shot their own appreciation of Edward Hopper’s inimitable painting. However, this takes the cake because it’s an homage to that great painting and to the film Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, which is just perfect.
EPIPHAINEIN is a creative, inventive, humorous, and important Second Life artist. Why important? He reminds us of Second Life’s possibilities, that we can create more than the merely beautiful, but also the comic, the venal (he’s shoplifting, the magical, and whatever else he can dream up.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright EPIPHAINEIN
Suggest images and Flickr feeds to Cajsa: Cajsa’s Choices is devoted to unique, artistic, and innovative virtual world-based images and screenshots that showcase the medium as an art form and Second Life as a creative platform. (Generally not images that fit on this Bingo card.) To recommend the best in virtual world imagery, tag the picture with #CasjaNWN or tag Cajsa Lilliehook by adding her to the photo.
Cajsa Lilliehook is a sixteen year resident of Second Life, where she owned a photo studio, spent several years as a DJ at The Velvet, and for her first SL job, cleaned up prim trash. She co-founded and runs the It’s Only Fashion blog with her best friend Gidge Uriza. She also has a book review blog, Tonstant Weader Reviews and a cooking blog, Single Serving Recipes. She spends a lot of time researching and reporting on Republican sexual predators. In her first life, she is a retired grassroots leader who has worked for economic and social justice issues most of her life. She is also the minion of a cat named Nora.
injun? Isn't that a bit 1950s? or 1850s?
Posted by: Paul | Thursday, September 07, 2023 at 07:20 AM