Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Loute Diesel is a great virtual photographer who has organized collaborations of French photogs in Second Life, giving us definitive evidence of how very individual virtual world photography is. Here you have the same group and yet every picture is wildly different. I love it. Her picture has much sharper color contrast than others in the collaboration. It’s a brighter picture overall, but the colors are all richly saturated.
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Emeline Laks specializes in unedited shots, exploiting the photo prowess of the Black Dragon viewer. This straight on shot gives you an idea of what everyone was seeing as they took their pictures.
Panda Banana kindly posts his Before & After. The Before pic reminds me of pre-WindLight photography when I would shoot in very low light to get a very dark picture and then lighten the pics in Photoshop. It’s much easier to bring out a dark picture than fill in a light picture. You can bring out shadows but cannot fill in what is lost in the light. This is true in real life photography, too.
Séb gives us a very cinematic picture. They seem ready to head to the movie set and get down to taking over the world.
Cursiichella gives us a pic that looks like it came right out of the comic book. It’s the brightest picture and it’s likely she ran a line-drawing or comic filter action. It’s gorgeous and again, shows how individual each photographer’s lens can be.
This is not the only Francophone Collaboration. It has worked so well, it has become a thing:
- Seb has an album of his collabs.
- Panda Bandana has 25 collaborations in his album.
- Cursiichella has a dozen pics in her album. Loute has eleven collabs in her album.
I just love how these French SLers have formed a community and collaborate on group pictures. It’s a great project.
Are there any more groups out there doing something similar?
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
All images copyright their creator
Suggest images and Flickr feeds to Cajsa: Cajsa’s Choices is devoted to unique, artistic, and innovative virtual world-based images and screenshots that showcase the medium as an art form and Second Life as a creative platform. (Generally not images that fit on this Bingo card.) To recommend the best in virtual world imagery, tag the picture with #CasjaNWN or tag Cajsa Lilliehook by adding her to the photo.
Cajsa Lilliehook is a sixteen year resident of Second Life, where she owned a photo studio, spent several years as a DJ at The Velvet, and for her first SL job, cleaned up prim trash. She co-founded and runs the It’s Only Fashion blog with her best friend Gidge Uriza. She also has a book review blog, Tonstant Weader Reviews and a cooking blog, Single Serving Recipes. She spends a lot of time researching and reporting on Republican sexual predators. In her first life, she is a retired grassroots leader who has worked for economic and social justice issues most of her life. She is also the minion of a cat named Nora.