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Tuesday, November 21, 2023


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Luther Weymann

The number one job of a CEO is sales promotion. Growing revenue is totally on the CEO. Falling revenue is on the CEO. The CEO is not a job AI could replace, but it could help with focus. AI is not a replacement for the CEO head of a company meeting the most significant customer and working out a deal to get them to double their orders within the year. Some parts of AI could help, but AI could only be the final decision-maker in niche business. Corporate customers expect human relations to stay a customer, and only the CEO can meet the CEO of the biggest customer for top-level deal-making.

Adam Frisby

Luther: I actually agree, I am one myself - but I also am aware of just how many things I am _not_ dealing with. I would say on the average day, I have twenty high priority things I need to do, and have time for maybe three, if I'm lucky.

Summarising and delegating is something I think AIs will do more and more of in the short term - but I have no qualms about saying that eventually, it will replace even that job. The CEO job will become more and more of a figurehead role - as AI eats up more of the decision making in the background.


Good interview! The only thing I'm willing to point on is that some jobs feels like "this can't be replaced by AI software" because the way those jobs are traditionally handled (a lot of human to human interaction, live meetings with sales speeches, emotional tricks and so on) but this also may become a subject to change because ... this is obstacle for AI-software. Mean - there will be a competition between companies interacting with each other via traditional human-to-human frameworks and new companies with more and more AI involved and thus with need to develop AI-friendly protocols, exchange formats, data structures. With time very likely it will outgrow traditional ways of doing business interactions - more efficient with the fraction of the cost, fast, reliable... This factor may be so bold that even if we got decent AI software there will be years of slow adoption because AI-powered businesses and organizations need to develop own set of "ISOs" to streamline interaction processes... before that having AI advantage may be like putting very efficient robot on a conveyor, where many other spots still taken by humans and thus this super fancy robot can't speed up things because whole human-oriented conveyor belt can't move faster.

Isolated spots of AI progress is probably the most likely scenario for nearest future (or already happening).

Argo Nurmo

@malcolm, chatGPT3 suffers lots of hallucinations. I've used it for research and it suggested (with footnotes!) looking at an existing specialized computer language designed just for the problem I was investigating. This was great, probably a few PHD thesis and academic papers existed too. Wow! Googling it brought up nothing. I searched a couple of academic archives too. Nothing! I asked chatGPT over and over (varying the prompt) and never got a straight answer. Moving to GPT4 I asked about the specific language and finally, after a couple of exchanges it finally said it didn't know of any such language! I hear openAI is working hard to get a handle on hallucinations, GPT4 is an improvement over chatGPT (really just GPT3) but maybe the hallucinations are just getting more subtle and eventually will move beyond were I or anyone else can detect them. -Argo
BTW I sympathize with WJA but agree with AF.

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