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Friday, January 26, 2024


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Adeon Writer

If you've tried a smartphone, and don't really like it, I don't think you're barred from saying you don't want someone else's smartphone, either.

If you've tried a VR headset, you've tried a VR headset. Apple insisting no one call it a VR headset doesn't change that.

Martin K.

> Apple has made fundamental choices for years in order to create a new category of device that is meant to replace the computer.

Recently, I wondered why I'm not going to replace my Mac computer with a Vision Pro. Maybe the most telling reason comes from no one less than Apple:

> Developing for visionOS requires a Mac with Apple silicon.

Yes, that's right: if you want to develop native apps for Vision Pro, you have to have a Mac computer. A Vision Pro alone is not good enough.

Does anyone believe that the first non-Pro version is good enough to develop native Vision apps? Neither do I.

Matthew Ball

FWIW, I don't agree with this at all: "Zuck is trying to build the next social network, and Apple the next general computing device."

I believe Zuck has been very clear he is trying to build the latter. Since 2015, he has stated XR devices will replace the smartphone and all of its use cases. The company's national advertisements (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgzfrlt2Ipk) are also as expansive (and similar to) those of Apple, and with $60B in life-to-date investment and no plans to slow down, the answer cannot just be social. I see no reason to believe they are not playing for the same TAM as Apple and trying to come in first place.

One might deem their approach to be social network-focused (I wouldn't, but one could), but if so, that would be sensible. Companies tend to target new markets from the perspective of their existing strengths, cultures, and POVs


I also remember the iPhone critics comparing it to the contemporary devices with similar functionalities (even the PDA/phone hybrids) or dismissing it by telling it was nothing new, but in fact the iPhone was more handy and offered a better user experience.

The Vision Pro specs are comparable to an iPad Pro and the plethora of sensors, the OS, the novel interactivity and usability could again make a difference. I'd surely like a secondary portable computer with an AR screen; even though not for that price.

On the other hand, by looking at the first reviews, the virtual keyboard doesn't seem as usable as a touch keyboard, even less an actual keyboard. There is a voice input too, but I won't use it on a train or an airplane (also, unless it's widespread, I won't feel so comfortable to be the weirdo in the room whit it on my head and moving my hands around). And I suspect that pulling out a phone or a tablet out of my bag for just a moment and putting it back is quicker an more practical than having to strap something to my face.
But, as a woman, weight aside, there is another thing I've noticed: in the promo videos everyone either has short hair (one is even a bald guy) or a pony-tail or similar haircuts and styles. That's a long time issue that any headset has: they are problematic to put on with certain hair styles and you don't want to go to the hairdresser to just mess up your hair shortly after.

Of course everything has pro and cons, though. Ideally I'd like actual AR glasses, but I can also see a device like the Vision Pro having some use.
Time will tell if it will be another iPhone or another Apple Newton (that was considered innovative, at its debut, but pricey and with the handwriting input resulting not so good at the time).

Luther Weymann

Why would anyone equate a highly physically restrictive device you wear strapped onto your face with a device you hold in your hand, put in your pocket or purse, sit on a table, pick it up, and then call your mom all the while shopping at the market? That is not any comparison about motivations to purchase.


Why would anyone twist that to make such a straw man argument? When a novel device or concept is proposed, you would evaluate its purpose, what's for *and* not, in its pro *and* cons, limitations *and* advantages. You can't just cherry-pick one side of the argument (the restriction and cons), pretend that there are no other sides/nuances and pretend the argument is something else.
The Vision Pro is wearable and it is marketed as computer (more precisely a "spatial computer"), therefore it makes sense to (a) compare (not equate) and see the differences with the use cases of laptop, tablet computers and other mobile devices *AND* (b) also consider what else new and different it offers. As a computer, it clearly has *cons* and limitations in certain use-cases, but the AR screen and the interaction mode has *pros* elsewhere. Therefore there might be: (a) a possible new use, different than the previous devices, and (b) a similar bias to the one that occurred at the iPhone introduction (the topic of this post). Also it doesn't means it will surely be a new iPhone (in the sense of a new paradigm), but there is a potential (also of a flop).

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