Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
Cla Jones is giving her partner some TLC while he is under the weather. You seldom see avatars with a cold or flu. Even before they discovered treatments for and vaccines against COVID, we didn’t see many folks who were sick in SL.
Since many of us are still enduring flu season in the real world, I was curious what I could find looking for avatars with the cold and other under-the-weather styles.
For more folks sick in Second Life click here:
Alicia /ᐠ •ᆽ•ᐟ\ ♡ was sick with covid this January and shared how much being sick can affect more than your body, but also your home as you huddle with piles of used kleenex, food, and blankets. It seems the house was sick as well.
Audrey-Paudrey asks a familiar question that has become familiar since 2020. “Have you been tested?” I just had to talk my nephew through his first Covid test. Negative, thankfully. Like Audrey, he’s just got something else.
Prophet is relaxed and well provisioned for the flu. He looks like he plans to be productive while sick, sorting to family photos. He has two lattes, or maybe hot chocolates? He looks like he’s on the road to recovery.
Going by the photos, folks in Second Life are amazing, almost always immune from the bacteria and viruses running around. If only that were true on this side of the screen.
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi
All images copyright their listed creator
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Cajsa’s Choices is devoted to unique, artistic, and innovative virtual world-based images and screenshots that showcase the medium as an art form and Second Life as a creative platform. (Generally not images that fit on this Bingo card.)
Cajsa Lilliehook is a sixteen year resident of Second Life, where she owned a photo studio, spent several years as a DJ at The Velvet, and for her first SL job, cleaned up prim trash. She co-founded and runs the It’s Only Fashion blog with her best friend Gidge Uriza. She also has a book review blog, Tonstant Weader Reviews and a cooking blog, Single Serving Recipes. She spends a lot of time researching and reporting on Republican sexual predators. In her first life, she is a retired grassroots leader who has worked for economic and social justice issues most of her life. She is also the minion of a cat named Nora.
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