Here's a fun watch to start the week: My chat with Social Autopoiesis, one of the very first AI-powered bots to run in Second Life... from 2007.
And while Convai's new bots developed with Linden Lab promise to transform the virtual world, acting as helpers to confused users, it's worth remembering Social Autopoiesis was created by SL tinkerer Adam Brokken with similar ambitions:
"My main goal is to make him a useful addition to Second Life by adding in Torley Linden's marvelously updated Second Life knowledge base," he says, "and in general making him Second Life friendly, from teaching building skills, to explaining the many cliques in-world to those users who simply have no clue what they just saw or experienced. As libsecondlife adds more features and becomes more stable, I'd also like to add preprogrammed classes, that will do full step-by-step walk-throughs with new users, teaching them the ways of Second Life."
Adam Brokken's also working to make Social a fully-realized artificial intelligence, a creature that can better pass the Turing test. "I am also working on a method to have the bot remember conversations," as he puts it, "adding more animations based on responses, etc. [Whether] he will ever live up to his last name, time will tell." (That is to say, this.)
Read the rest here. While I've lost track of Social Autopoiesis, it's safe to say wasn't able (as impressive as it was) to be become a scalable helper bot.
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