Stream starts at 4pm PT today! Watch on YouTube, or join us in-world:
Teleport link: VWBPE Auditorium - Canopy Waterfall
Teleport link: VWBPE Auditorium - Floating Gallery
We'll take as many audience questions as possible, just post them in text chat.
Also! Thanks to my publisher Wiley, there's a special 35% discount on the print addition of my book. Here's the details:
- Order Making a Metaverse That Matters directly from Wiley's website.
- At checkout, use “VWBPE” as the code for 35% off.
- Discount code good from now until March 16!
And if you want a signed autograph plate from me, message me your mailing address, and I'll send one to you anywhere that Forever World stamps cover!
the realistic/Malibu effect... how could they be shocked? it was a thing in Snowcrash. The jerk in the book had cronies who had less cool avatars who felt glory in his presence
Posted by: ilsa Hesse | Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 12:08 AM