Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting
I’d Rather Be Overdressed is from AnandaHeart, a blogger after my own heart, overdressed and fully dressed. Her newest post Calista highlights a gorgeous gown from Jumo. With a low-cut neckline and a high-cut slit in the skirt, it violates the old rule of choosing one or the other, but not both. That rule, though, is long gone. She kindly provided a SLurl for where she shot this picture. [To teleport to Le Chateau 80’s, Click Here]
- Jumo Calista, for Sense - closes June 8
- Doux Jules, for Dubai - closes June 14
- Sigma Cowgirl Charm necklace, for Shotgun Pop Up Wild West - closes June 16
For more tasteful elegance from Anandaheart, click here:

Tyler is another elegant dress, this time from Azul. It has a sheer bodice and sleeve that come in the same floral lace as the body of the dress or in a plain sheer option. The lace is an exact match to the dress. Ananhaheart took full advantage by choosing a color that closely matches her own skin tone, making it seem as though the lace is imprinted on her skin. It’s a gorgeous illusion. The gorgeous updo is from BonBon and the earrings are from LaGyo. She took the picture at Luane’s World. [To teleport, click here]
- Azul Tyler Regular release with all color variation
- Bonbon Audrey, for Kustom9 closes June 10
- LaGyo Monika Earrings, for Kustom9
Ananda Heart would rather be overdressed and so would I. Her blog is beautifully organized with a nice little menu icon that brings up a pop-up with all the information you could want. She gives SLurls to mainstores, events, and to shooting locations. It would be nice to include the closing dates of events so readers would know where to go, the event or the mainstore. Still, her blog is fantastic. I featured it in 2020 and I see she has made it much easier to find her on social media by using a popup menu rather than a sidebar. Great choice.
All images copyright Ananda Heart
See all of Cajsa's Choices here. Follow Cajsa on Flickr, on Twitter, on her blog, and on her Ko-Fi.
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Cajsa’s Choices is devoted to unique, artistic, and innovative virtual world-based images and screenshots that showcase the medium as an art form and Second Life as a creative platform. (Generally not images that fit on this Bingo card.)
Cajsa Lilliehook is a sixteen year resident of Second Life, where she owned a photo studio, spent several years as a DJ at The Velvet, and for her first SL job, cleaned up prim trash. She co-founded and runs the It’s Only Fashion blog with her best friend Gidge Uriza. She also has a book review blog, Tonstant Weader Reviews and a cooking blog, Single Serving Recipes. She spends a lot of time researching and reporting on Republican sexual predators. In her first life, she is a retired grassroots leader who has worked for economic and social justice issues most of her life. She is also the minion of a cat named Nora.