In case you missed it, longtime New World Notes columnist Cajsa Lilliehook is now being wonderfully featured in Linden Lab's Second Life Spotlight here:
Cajsa's dedication to uplifting artists through her discerning "Cajsa's Choices" and her unwavering commitment to social activism stand as a testament to her influential presence in the virtual world and beyond.
Yes. Stunningly, Cajsa has been writing the Cajsa's Choices column for over 8 (!) years, a testament not just to her dedication, but to the incredible breadth of talent of SL creators on Flickr. Movingly, Cajsa is often messaged by creators grateful for their work being appreciated in her posts. Take this Flickr post by Sydd Sinister, profiled on New World Notes here, posted during the worst of the pandemic:
Things have just not worked out in my favor lately. The state of our country, this world right now has also really run me down. I've been considering giving up blogging all together recently. I've just felt like I can't keep up and I felt unnoticed..
But this! This is just the little reminder I needed that people do see what I do and the effort I put into it.
Thanks in good part to Cajsa, we definitely see what talented creator like Sydd are doing.
Read Cajsa's whole profile here, especially tips for submitting SL-based Flickr pics (by you or someone you admire) for consideration in her future Choices!
I've been following Cajsa at various sites, and now at NWN, since at least 2009. Thanks to you both for years of hard work and commitment to our weird little community!
Posted by: Val Kendal | Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 05:17 AM