In case you missed it from my online Afterword, here's the current metaverse platform leaders tracked in Making a Metaverse That Matters. Overall, total monthly metaverse platform active user growth tracked in this chat increased by 140 million people, for a total global audience of roughly 690 million in 2024.
This is very much a quick snapshot, so the numbers are admittedly not precise. I first posted it last month, for instance, but recently Roblox has been reaching closer to 380-400 million MAU, so it might soon need to be revised upward.
These are just estimates of total active users, which is only one way of measuring. If we were to calculate which metaverse platforms is the leader based on profitability (both for the company and the creator community), Roblox, VRChat, and Horizon Worlds (for starters) probably wouldn't be on that list at all -- and Second Life would be somewhere close to number 1.
Note on sources, data: Numbers in parentheses represent public statements by the platform company, from major news/industry publications, or reported directly to me. Other figures represent estimates or 3rd party counts from New World Notes, along with RTrack, and
Note on the chart's ugliness: Yes, I know. If someone feels like prettifying it, I'd be grateful and give you all the thanks/links!
> recently Roblox has been reaching closer to 380-400 million MAU, so it might soon need to be revised upward.
I don't trust the recent increase in the Roblox MAU data - specifically because it is not consistent with Google trends data. According to this source: , Roblox' MAU in January 2024 is closer to 223 million.
> Note on the chart's ugliness
Which Chart? I only see a table. And for prettifying this table, you would remove all lines, except for the horizontal lines at the very bottom, very top, and below the header row. (The horizontal lines at the very bottom and very top may be a bit thicker than the other one. A good introduction to styling a formal table is in the first section of this PDF: .)
Posted by: Martin K. | Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 11:43 PM