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Thursday, August 15, 2024


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Martin K.

> Apple’s headset is fully capable of displaying VR experiences -- and will even include a Vision Pro version of leading metaverse platform Rec Room

I actually changed my position on this prediction a bit because the Creative Chief Officer of Rec Room Inc. Cameron Brown (a.k.a. gribbly) discussed releasing Rec Room on the Apple Vision Pro recently: https://youtu.be/ZVEfuf-VDlw?t=579

To be clear: I still predict that Rec Room will not be released natively on Apple Vision Pro in 2024. (And neither in 2025.) However, I concede that the way Rec Room communicates a potential release is quite ambiguous and a little bit of wishful thinking is enough to hope for a release in the "longer term".

I don't know why Rec Room Inc. is not communicating more clearly. Maybe they hope for future partnerships with/investments by Apple or other companies. In any case, I would be very surprised if we saw a release in 2024 (or 2025).

Martin K.

> There are very popular virtual worlds that qualify as metaverse platforms, at least two of which (Roblox and Fortnite) are very likely to evolve into The Metaverse.

I'm skeptical about this. If we agree that "The Metaverse" (as described in "Snow Crash") is "stitched together into something resembling a giant public space" with potentially more than a million simultaneous users in the same virtual space (I'm thinking of a giant stadium where everyone can see everyone), then my take is that the technical challenges are so expensive to overcome (and would put such a high burden on potential users) that it doesn't make economic sense for metaverse platforms like Roblox or Fortnite to support "The Metaverse".

I would hypothesize that the higher the potential number of simultaneous users in a virtual space is, the fewer scenarios are there that are economically sustainable. What number still makes sense depends on many factors, but for the foreseeable future it will probably be below 1000. For scenarios with larger crowds (e.g. the audience of large music or sports events) computer-generated characters will usually be sufficient to fill up the ranks in multiple shards (instances/copies) of the space. As long as you can call/text/invite any user any time within the platform, most users won't be bothered by the fact that only a relatively small number of actual users is actually visible to them at any given time.

The idea of a single, persistent virtual space for millions of simultaneous users just doesn't appear to provide enough benefits to make economic sense.

Wagner James Au

> a million simultaneous users in the same virtual space I'm thinking of a giant stadium where everyone can see everyone

We can already "see" them through their user profile, which I think is sufficient.


I'm sorry, but they've taken everything to do with virtual worlds and 'metaverses' and made them extremely boring. All the figureheads who even use the word are boring. Phillip is boring. Linden Lab is boring. Talk about the metaverse is boring. Videos with avatars sitting around in chairs who don't even have their faces and lips rigged to match their talking is like watching paint dry.
Roblox is not a metaverse, it is a game with many games to play. Fortnite is literally a game, but demonstrates how it can accommodate a pop artist seen by millions of its players.
Just because on can party, build custom levels for, have meetings, social events, concerts, etc doesn't make it a metaverse. People were doing the same 'metaverse' activities in games like Quake and Counterstrike long before 'metaverse' was a buzzword. It's all so boring now.
What matters is having cool spaces to hang out in, that are interactive, and all your friends WANT to be there. This is why Grand Theft Auto online has more users than Second Life, and they're all standing around ALSO buying clothes, cars and houses for themselves and even roleplaying.
Metaverses, like SL likes to call itself is a NICHE market, serving 0.000000000001% of the available gamers out there, and will NEVER reach the user counts of these platforms EVER.
VR comes around every 6 years or so, people try it, people hype it, then they throw it away in the corner of their room never to be used again, because its a novelty and fun for a bit, but a nuisance over the long run.
Glad you're moving towards covering ALL virtual platforms and discussing this though, because hitching your wagon to the Linden Lab train isn't the way to go anymore

Martin K.

> Metaverses, like SL likes to call itself is a NICHE market, serving 0.000000000001% of the available gamers out there, and will NEVER reach the user counts of these platforms EVER.

Back in 2004, one could have reasonably made the same prediction about that website for college students that Mark Zuckerberg launched then. But seriously: Facebook and other social media don't appeal specifically to gamers but to a much larger audience (billions of Facebook users instead of hundreds of millions of PC and console gamers - the numbers are important). Similarly, Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook won't care how many of today's PC and console gamers will be using their future wearable AR glasses. PC and console gaming is just not a large enough market to be important for their endgame.

Thus, yeah, gamers will be disappointed by future immersive products of Meta and Apple: the end of Echo Arena VR, the (relative) failure of Horizon Worlds, the lack of popular mixed-reality games, the lack of popular social VR games on Apple Vision Pro (like Rec Room!), ... the list of disappointments will continue!

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