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Friday, August 16, 2024


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Wings - https://www.flickr.com/photos/150913985@N06/


Fabulous Curves https://marketplace.secondlife.com/en-US/stores/218952

Peter Stindberg

Defintiely check out Starquake by my dear friend Theo (Lore Olivieri). They are very new, aspiring, but with already good items.
Theo is on Primfeed https://www.primfeed.com/loreolivieri and on the Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/78887

Theo makes unique shapes and focuses on non-binary niche - they even runt heir own blog about queerbodies: https://queerbodysl.wordpress.com/


Feel free to reach out to us at Adora-tions! You can reach out to Cole Evergarden inworld if you have any questions.


Adrienne Lowe

Dope Pixels - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555388393593
We make beautiful, scene-changing skyboxes from real-world photos, renders and AI, but mostly AI lately! It's gotten so good.

Andi Ayashi inworld.

Anya Ohmai

Neutral Tones - https://flickr.com/photos/182928540@N02

Suggesting Neutral Tones! They started off with really unique shoes but branched out into doing more interesting fashion accessories that could only exist in sl. Brilliant mind and creative!

Renee Green

Women and Men's clothing and accessories

Amelia  Corryong

I have a store around five years old. Everyone that comes to it tells me how much they love it and that it is so unique but they were not aware it existed until they heard from a friend. My MP is in the middle of being reworked, so only about 4% of my product is there, but I would love for someone to come by and check out the store. I only create coastal themed furniture, decor, homes, beach items, etc. I also have a coastal themed jewelry store and clothing store on the sim. Am leaving a link to the flickr for the main store and a link to the sim. I hope this generates some publicity and more people find out about the store. Thank you for the opportunity. Amelia's Coastal Treasures/Amelia's Coastal Homes http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fernandina%20Beach/121/252/23
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/ameliascoastaltreasures/


And the self promotion begins! Lol Limited Addiction was created to house all my original mesh under one brand. It took quite a few years to teach myself how to model, rig, and render textures! But it was all worth it and I absolutely love my little brand and hope others will enjoy it as well! As for style....it is kind of all over the place just like me. Some days its a goth mood, others kawaii, or just a cozy casual fit!

Brand: Limited Addiction
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/limitedaddictionsl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/limitedaddictionsl/
marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/en-US/stores/221999
Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sim%20Style/193/162/26

Nesca Fey

Self-promotion here. :P
Manikin!! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/en-US/stores/237706
In addition to cute dresses and casual outfits, my slogan tee range called "Q-Tees" is especially close to my heart. It gives me a canvas for my creativity and humor. I've had customers write to me about how the tees allowed them to express themselves and feel proud about themselves.
I recently extended this range to RL too, so people can have the same tee in RL as their avatar in SL! :D Check it out on Redbubble --- https://www.redbubble.com/people/ManikinThreads/shop

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManikinSL/ and https://www.facebook.com/ManikinThreads

Glitter Waifu

I do not participate in Marketplace, as its been going through too many changes to keep up. Once it settles down I'll relist
Have an In-world Only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Fifty%20Two/64/126/21

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alt3sl/
Website: https://alt3beauty.carrd.co/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfwNYxd4onOfRkZ7ZzV3U7Q

ALT3 is a cosmetic enhancement store for both men and women, but takes an eclectic and whimsical approach to skin and cosmetics. I also make original mesh accessories and holdables. I pride myself on offering things that other stores do not, products that are 100% hand made by humans.


Aardvark makes some pretty funny stuff. Their items always makes me smile. I was riding around on a balloon dog! They started out in decor and have been making alot of animals lately.


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