Join my Patreon for free to read a story I'm excited to tell (very soon):
What's been happening with Gizem Mishi since launching a successful cross-platform metaverse company which she grew from Blueberry, her beloved Second Life brand? Readers have been wondering about her mysterious absence from SL in recent months, what will become with Blueberry in SL, and how that relates to her new plans in SL.
After a long and heartfelt chat with Gizem recently, I'm happy to tell all that and more, expanding on a story I first told in Making a Metaverse That Matters, beginning with her time as a teenager in Turkey, who first happened upon the virtual world to attend a Skye Galaxy concert, but wound up changing her entire life's direction.
Sign up to my Patreon for free to be first to read about Gizem's new chapter.
Gizem Mishi McDuff - yay:) Seriously Linked in is the easiest way.
Simple alphabet search. Probably has a tartan by now.
Posted by: sirhc desantis | Tuesday, September 03, 2024 at 05:44 PM