Good question from reader Elle Couerblanc on Once Human and its cozy virtual world gameplay:
Well, this game looks interesting! I see there is combat involved? Is it more PVE or PVP-oriented? I thought cozy MMOs did not have combat.
OK, technically Once Human isn't cozy; instead, say cozy-ish, or at least, cozy-able. Gogo, who I interviewed for the post, answers in Comments:
You can play Player vs. Environment or Players vs. Player. This isn't a cozy MMO, it has some combat elements, but on PVE you can pretty much avoid most of the combat and just play however you want. I focus on foraging, farming, hunting, etc. Sometimes I kill some zombies, but I don't love it!
That's gameplay video of Gogo above, toodling around the world and harvesting gold before being rudely interrupted.
In Once Human, you do need to level up to get better items, but that doesn't always require combat. More background from fellow Once Human player Sparkle:
"[Leveling up] requires tasks and combat. You can just do tasks but to get the better armor and weapons you will need to do [quests with combat in] dungeons and silos. Gogo has mainly leveled doing tasks. For example one task is to brew acid 10 times, cook a legendary meal 20 times, take 10 photos."
I'd actually love to see Once Human developer Starry Studio expand on non-combat progression, encouraging some players to completely focus (for example) on providing resources and building for their teammates. Or even get rewards for socializing, such as singing or reading short stories in voice chat. (No bad ideas in a brainstorm!)