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Tuesday, October 29, 2024


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sirhc desantis

'And now that Second Life only has 500,000 monthly active users' as opposed to 'still has 500k' eh? Fascinating.
I look forward to the - new role as CTO. Well he has done everything else after all:) Cynical old me aside yep - welcome home Rosedale. Nice piece.


Yay 😁 I am glad he is back, and looking forward to how he navigates AI as well as mobile on the platform.

Iggy 1.0

Welcome back, dreamer. We could use some new dreams tonight...hey. Someone else said that.

Lifeless Ethereal

"Philip endorsed Kamala Harris / Tim Walz during the recent Gamers for Harris livestream.)"

In the same article where he talks about our "dystopian" future, you drop politics into an article about a game.

Rule #1 about all video games. Keep. Politics. Out. Of. Games.

jackson redstar

Like Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with family, politics really should not be discussed, and it really has no place in SL

As far as SL on mobile devices, good luck just not sure how that will ever work well

But I certainly hope SL continues for years to come - and remain political free

Robin Jordan

So glad you're back! We need you and that enthusiasm to help keep SL going forward. I have been in world since 2006--way back when I had kids and not much to do but be at home for them. As you said! That is what started my venture off into the wonderful world. I have met people from all over the world and it has been awesome and I have lost people I never met in person but knew them enough to feel the pain & heartbreak of loosing them. I have held all kinds of jobs in here and they were all great experiences. I used to teach the noobs as a white tiger mentor and before that for SL Academy. Also worked with Firestorm to help new people. I think helping people that are new or teaching skills is wonderful thing for all. I hope we can get the numbers coming back up. That would be a good goal. Scarlet Vavoom


I can say that for myself and my compadres in SL, there was definitely a loss of trust in the future of SL when the founders left and the company was sold off to an unknown, though it's the typical San Fran tech industry buddy group - so same people, same results.

SL lost some shops, some premiums and inevitably some lost accounts (fully cancelled) as some just shrugged and told me "It's just not fun anymore. Politics, Real Life rules, banned for trespass just for flying around, empty worlds, or avatars and bots just standing around not talking, hard to break into clique, hard to make new friends" All things that can be disputed sure - but usually by old time SL'ers who have their friend groups set - but for new or visiting people not so fun anymore and that is why SL is stagnant. In the business industry - stagnant = dying

I'm not sure Phil returning is going to do much. Phil was here before and SL was in the same boat: forever stagnant. He and Ebbe were both happy just to talk about the future of SL (they did the same with HiFi and then Sansar) and BOTH of them killed both platforms with just talk.

Admittedly, Ebbe seemed handcuffed by political extortion, as he could not remove 80% of his incompetent woke employees - who were doing their best to get their paychecks with as little work as possible... so they bled money out bigtime paying stupid people to not do their job = failure.

Is Phil going to come back and make the technical changes necessary to hire real talent and become a AAA worthy platform - that even with its challenges, Phil will innovate the platform with good ideas, design improvements and some sort of checkboxes for uploaded content?

I hope so, but I am no longer holding my breath. Phil and Ebbe had 20 years to 'make SL great' but kind of happy to just chug along and making just enough profits...

Phil is an experimenter as much as a pioneer, but is he a finisher? No one at LL right now is a finisher.. like to start stuff but then not finish.

No one has an excuse for HiFi or Sansar failing. None but their lack of discernment between utter crap staff and competent staff that could technically bring their dreams to life.

“It’s fun to re-examine all this stuff after 20 years, look back on it, hang around in-world and talk to people,” he tells me.

Yeah, we know Phil... lots of talk but no walk...

Stupid Sansar still having database problems because they tell an intern or some free random player to tinker around for 2 years and make it more broken then ever.


Come on you know

as a bystander, like the biggest content coming out of Second Life are heavily photoshoped screenshots of uncanny human avatars with real eyes and such pasted in. so they are focusing on that makes sense


Perverts. They are all pedophiles and dog phuckers.

Shaylin Meadowbrook

Exciting News!!! Looking forward to seeing how far Linden Labs goes from here! I can see my avi jumping for joy!

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